Timpurile Verbale In Engleza Pdf
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Exercitii Timpuri Verbale Engleza Pdf
Verbul in engleza - Idei de baza. Scurta povestire cu verbe la toate timpurile verbale(in josul paginii) Verbul exprima o actiune sau o activitate, o stare sau o existenta, aparitia, manifestarea sau modificarea unei insusiri. Verbul in limba engleza ca si in limba romana are mai multe timpuri. Prezent: muncesc- I work, I am working. Save Save Timpurile Verbelor Limbii Engleze For Later. Lectii de limba engleza.pdf. Tabel Timpuri Verbale Engleza 3.
In limba engleza, verbele isi formeaza formele de trecut, participiu trecut prin adaugarea sufixului '-ed' la sfarsitul infinitivului. Totusi exista si exceptii. Aceste exceptii se numesc verbe neregulate.
Mai jos aveti lista verbelor neregulate in limba engleza.
Timpurile Verbale In Engleza Pdf De
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to abide | abode / abided | abode / abided / abidden | (a se supune) |
to alight | alit / alighted | alit / alighted | (a aprinde) |
to arise | arose | arisen | (a se ridica) |
to awake | awoke | awoken | (a se trezi) |
to be | was/were | been | (a fi) |
to bear | bore | born / borne | (a naşte) |
to beat | beat | beaten | (a bate) |
to become | became | become | (a deveni) |
to begin | began | begun | (a începe) |
to behold | beheld | beheld | (a zări) |
to bend | bent | bent | (a îndoi) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to bet | bet | bet | (a paria) |
to bid | bade | bidden | (a licita) |
to bid | bid | bid | (a invita) |
to bind | bound | bound | (a lega) |
to bite | bit | bitten | (a muşca) |
to bleed | bled | bled | (a sângera) |
to blow | blew | blown | (a sufla) |
to break | broke | broken | (a sparge) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to breed | bred | bred | (a creşte) |
to bring | brought | brought | (a aduce) |
to broadcast | broadcast / broadcasted | broadcast / broadcasted | (a difuza) |
to build | built | built | (a construi) |
to burn | burnt / burned | burnt / burned | (a arde) |
to burst | burst | burst | (a izbucni) |
to bust | bust | bust | (a da buzna) |
to buy | bought | bought | (a cumpăra) |
to cast | cast | cast | (a arunca) |
to catch | caught | caught | (a prinde) |
to choose | chose | chosen | (a alege) |
to clap | clapped / clapt | clapped / clapt | (a aplauda) |
to cling | clung | clung | (a se agăţa) |
to clothe | clad / clothed | clad / clothed | (a îmbrăca) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to come | came | come | (a veni) |
to cost | cost | cost | (a costa) |
to creep | crept | crept | (a se furişa) |
to cut | cut | cut | (a tăia) |
to dare | dared / durst | dared | (a îndrăzni) |
to deal | dealt | dealt | (a împărţi) |
to dig | dug | dug | (a săpa) |
to dive | dived / dove | dived | (a se scufunda) |
to do | did | done | (a face) |
to draw | drew | drawn | (a desena) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to dream | dreamt / dreamed | dreamt / dreamed | (a visa) |
to drink | drank | drunk | (a bea) |
to drive | drove | driven | (a conduce) |
to dwell | dwelt | dwelt | (a locui) |
to eat | ate | eaten | (a mânca) |
to fall | fell | fallen | (a cădea) |
to feed | fed | fed | (a hrăni) |
to feel | felt | felt | (a simţi) |
to fight | fought | fought | (a lupta) |
to find | found | found | (a găsi) |
to fit | fit / fitted | fit / fitted | (a potrivi) |
to flee | fled | fled | (a fugi) |
to fling | flung | flung | (a arunca) |
to fly | flew | flown | (a zbura) |
to forbid | forbade / forbad | forbidden | (a interzice) |
to forecast | forecast / forecasted | forecast / forecasted | (a prezice) |
to foresee | foresaw | foreseen | (a prevedea) |
to foretell | foretold | foretold | (a prevesti) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to forget | forgot | forgotten | (a uita) |
to forgive | forgave | forgiven | (a ierta) |
to forsake | forsook | forsaken | (a abandona) |
to freeze | froze | frozen | (a îngheţa) |
to frostbite | frostbit | frostbitten | (a degera) |
to get | got | got/gotten | (a lua/ a obtine) |
to give | gave | given | (a da) |
to go | went | gone/been | (a merge) |
to grind | ground | ground | (a măcina) |
to grow | grew | grown | (a creşte) |
to handwrite | handwrote | handwritten | (a scrie cu mâna) |
to hang | hung/hanged | hung/hanged | (a spânzura) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to have | had | had | (a avea) |
to hear | heard | heard | (a auzi) |
to hide | hid | hidden | (a ascunde) |
to hit | hit | hit | (a lovi) |
to hold | held | held | (a ţine) |
to hurt | hurt | hurt | (a durea) |
to input | input / inputted | input / inputted | (a introduce) |
to keep | kept | kept | (a ţine) |
to kneel | knelt / kneeled | knelt / kneeled | (a îngenunchea) |
to knit | knit / knitted | knit / knitted | (a tricota) |
to know | knew | known | (a şti/ a cunoaşte) |
to lay | laid | laid | (a aşeza) |
to lead | led | led | (a conduce) |
to lean | leant / leaned | leant / leaned | (a sprijini) |
to leap | leapt / leaped | leapt / leaped | (a sări) |
to learn | learnt / learned | learnt / learned | (a învăţa) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to leave | left | left | (a pleca) |
to lend | lent | lent | (a împrumuta) |
to let | let | let | (a lăsa) |
to lie | lay | lain | (a minţi) |
to light | lit | lit | (a aprinde) |
to lose | lost | lost | (a pierde) |
to make | made | made | (a face) |
to mean | meant | meant | (a însemna) |
to meet | met | met | (a întâlni) |
to melt | melted | molten / melted | (a topi) |
to mislead | misled | misled | (a induce în eroare) |
to mistake | mistook | mistaken | (a greşi) |
to misunderstand | misunderstood | misunderstood | (a înţelege greşit) |
to mow | mowed | mown | (a cosi) |
to overdraw | overdrew | overdrawn | (a descoperi contul) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to overhear | overheard | overheard | (a auzi fără să vrea) |
to overtake | overtook | overtaken | (a depăşi) |
to pay | paid | paid | (a plăti) |
to prove | proved | proven/proved | (a dovedi) |
to put | put | put | (a pune) |
to quit | quit | quit | (a renunţa) |
to read | read | read | (a citi) |
to rid | rid / ridded | rid / ridded | (a scăpa) |
to ride | rode | ridden | (a călări) |
to ring | rang | rung | (a suna) |
to rise | rose | risen | (a se ridica) |
to rive | rived | riven / rived | (a se despica) |
to run | ran | run | (a alerga) |
to saw | sawed | sawn / sawed | (a tăia cu ferăstrăul) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to say | said | said | (a spune) |
to see | saw | seen | (a vedea) |
to seek | sought | sought | (a căuta) |
to sell | sold | sold | (a vinde) |
to send | sent | sent | (a trimite) |
to set | set | set | (a pune) |
to sew | sewed | sewn / sewed | (a coase) |
to shake | shook | shaken | (a scutura) |
to shave | shaved | shaven / shaved | (a bărbieri) |
to shear | shore / sheared | shorn / sheared | (a tunde) |
to shed | shed | shed | (a vărsa) |
to shine | shone | shone | (a străluci) |
to shoe | shod | shod | (a încălţa) |
to shoot | shot | shot | (a împuşca) |
to show | showed | shown | (a arăta) |
to shrink | shrank | shrunk | (a micşora) |
to shut | shut | shut | (a închide) |
to sing | sang | sung | (a cânta) |
to sink | sank | sunk | (a scufunda) |
to sit | sat | sat | (a sta) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to slay | slew | slain | (a ucide) |
to sleep | slept | slept | (a dormi) |
to slide | slid | slid / slidden | (a aluneca) |
to sling | slung | slung | (a arunca) |
to slink | slunk | slunk | (a se furişa) |
to slit | slit | slit | (a despica) |
to smell | smelt / smelled | smelt / smelled | (a mirosi) |
to sneak | sneaked / snuck | sneaked / snuck | (a se furişa) |
to sow | sowed | sown | (a semăna) |
to speak | spoke | spoken | (a vorbi) |
to speed | sped / speeded | sped / speeded | (a se grăbi) |
to spell | spelt / spelled | spelt / spelled | (a silabisi) |
to spend | spent | spent | (a cheltui) |
to spill | spilt / spilled | spilt / spilled | (a vărsa) |
to spin | span / spun | spun | (a învârti) |
to spit | spat / spit | spat / spit | (a scuipa) |
to split | split | split | (a împărţi) |
to spoil | spoilt / spoiled | spoilt / spoiled | (a răsfăţa) |
to spread | spread | spread | (a împrăştia) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to spring | sprang | sprung | (a izvorî) |
to stand | stood | stood | (a sta în picioare) |
to steal | stole | stolen | (a fura) |
to stick | stuck | stuck | (a înfige) |
to sting | stung | stung | (a înţepa) |
to stink | stank | stunk | (a puţi) |
to stride | strode / strided | stridden | (a umbla) |
to strike | struck | struck / stricken | (a lovi) |
to string | strung | strung | (a lega cu sfoară) |
to strip | stript / stripped | stript / stripped | (a dezbrăca) |
to strive | strove | striven | (a se strădui) |
to swear | swore | sworn | (a înjura) |
to sweat | sweat / sweated | sweat / sweated | (a transpira) |
to sweep | swept / sweeped | swept / sweeped | (a mătura) |
to swell | swelled | swollen | (a se umfla) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to swim | swam | swum | (a înota) |
to swing | swung | swung | (a se legăna) |
to take | took | taken | (a lua) |
to teach | taught | taught | (a preda) |
to tear | tore | torn | (a rupe) |
to tell | told | told | (a spune) |
to think | thought | thought | (a gândi) |
to thrive | throve / thrived | thriven / thrived | (a prospera) |
to throw | threw | thrown | (a arunca) |
to thrust | thrust | thrust | (a izbi) |
to tread | trod | trodden | (a călca) |
to undergo | underwent | undergone | (a îndura) |
to understand | understood | understood | (a înţelege) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to undertake | undertook | undertaken | (a prelua) |
to upset | upset | upset | (a supăra) |
to vex | vext / vexed | vext / vexed | (a necăji) |
to wake | woke | woken | (a trezi) |
to wear | wore | worn | (a purta) |
to weave | wove | woven | (a ţese) |
to wed | wed / wedded | wed / wedded | (a căsători) |
to weep | wept | wept | (a plânge) |
to wend | wended / went | wended / went | (a se îndrepta) |
to wet | wet / wetted | wet / wetted | (a uda) |
Infinitiv in engleza | Trecut in engleza | Participiu Trecut in engleza | Traducere |
to win | won | won | (a câştiga) |
to wind | wound | wound | (a întoarce) |
to withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn | (a retrage) |
to withhold | withheld | withheld | (a reţine) |
to withstand | withstood | withstood | (a rezista) |
to wring | wrung | wrung | (a răsuci) |
to write | wrote | written | (a scrie) |